Fordhook Zucchini

Monday, July 11, 2011

Grey Zucchini Update

July 11, 2011 -

I planted the three seedlings this weekend in one of the small 40" x 40" beds. I refined the soil with plenty of composted material and then worked in to a loose consistency. The fourth seedling never popped up. So I have a 75% germination rate on those.

They have been in their bed since Friday and are doing well. We had some rain here recently that really helped them out.

Hopefully we will start getting some zucchini off these guys in a few weeks, because my largest producer of the Fordhook Zucchini will be pulled today or tomorrow. The worms got it. I know it is sad but I still have some more to go before the all get pulled and it will also make room for my herbs that are going to need some space.


1 comment:

  1. I will try and post this comment. I have not had any luck with posting my comments on the other blog. Just computer illiterate I guess!!! Proud of you and what you are doing. Getting back to your roots so to speak. Considering the way the world is going it may not be a bad idea to do that.
