Fordhook Zucchini

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Joe's Garden

Hello everyone out there in Internet-land. This is Joe Delk and I have a garden. Or more aptly I am starting a garden. I plan on posting the progress of this garden here on the blog and letting everyone out there see it and put some input on it. Mostly I would like to get back to the tradition of growing some of my family's own food and share with others as the harvest allows.

I also want to tell everyone what I am doing and how it is going. I want to post pictures as well of what I am doing. Since we don't have much of a backyard, I plan on utilizing as much as possible the space we have and seeing which does best. Hopefully readers of this blog will tell me tips they have learned and what works best.

Thanks for stopping by and check back for updates regularly.

Joe Delk

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